NAMCOnade's place!

Welcome to my site!

Dragon holding a heart
2022 preface:

Hi! This is Nam of the future. Its 2022, and I'm about to finish my web development class. This site was first made to teach me the basics of HTML before going in...
The code is still a mess despite me trying to update it lol..! I still need to work on it

I learnt how to do bootstrap and such. I'm now a programmer and a coder, which is nice! I don't know if you care about this...
All this to say, I'll try to update this place a bit..! Get it a bit cleaner, even if the intention first was to make a site in an old, geocities-like style. I'll also add more pages and style things a bit more accordingly.

And to everyone that visited and signed my guestbook, thank you! Your messages are always nice to read. Have a nice 2022!

Hello, thank you for stopping by! My name is Nam, also known online as NAMCOnade (NAMCO-nayde)!

This is a website I made first in August 2019 to practice doing HTML before entering my college class on website creation. It is made to ressemble old websites in aesthetic, but still be readable.

Here, you will find things I find interesting or that I wish to talk about! It's my own little corner of the internet, thank you for taking interest in it!

There are several dragons on this website. They are nice, but do not put them in a bad mood!

Want to go to the future?

Want to go back to the future? Click the Future sign to go back to the present!

Future sign